Cash Equity
Trading volatility can be difficult given liquidity constraints in the market; Forte relies on its strong network of market participants to minimize these execution costs for our customers.
Our bespoke broking service in equity derivatives allows customers to access markets in a format that suits their specific needs and requirements.
Fixed Income
With our dedicated team of trading professionals, we offer unparalleled personal commitment, providing superior liquidity and transaction execution. We settle bonds via a Model-B clearing arrangement with one of the most reputable market participants.
Structured products
We provide leading and comprehensive liquidity to clients on a completely anonymous basis. We operate via an agency model and provide hedging advisory to our clients.
Alternative Credit
- factoring and receivables
- short term transactional trade finance (import, export and stock)
- asset backed financing through Security Trust (Fiducie-sûreté) to corporates
To know more, please visit our Asset Management section
We have strong relationships with most major issuers to access diverse funding rates depending on our client’s risk appetite and to leverage on the respective strengths of market participants.